Monday, August 11, 2008

Questions to answer:-))

Hi again,

Lots of you have emailed questions, so here I go....... I am renting a room in my home, and this friend will also be taking care of my house while watching Pepper my pug! It is a win, win situation for both of us, and I am thankful that I don't have to spend time finding the right person or situation. My travels will be spaced out with a few weeks to come home and recuperate, recharge, and take care of business when needed.

I will be on a 1 year contract, and get the regular paid vacations that all teachers get. The OC Department of Education will require material from me and work from the students throughout the school year. I have to inquire about our new curriculum K12, and see what needs to be done as far as meeting the California State Standards. This month is going to be very busy, but I am excited to be moving forward:-)

Lots to do to get ready for my first trip to a horse ranch in Idaho. I will be riding each day so I need to stock up on my Levi jeans! We will be hiking each day as well, so I aim to be quite fit when I return! Oh, happy days:-)

Michelle AKA Luvey

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