Sunday, September 7, 2008

My first week...

Hello again,

I have completed my first week of work and feel that it was successful! My teaching hours are 9am-1pm, with prep at my leisure in the afternoon. I have been taking the toll road up to Huntington Beach, however, Sept. 20 we will leave for 6 weeks in Idaho. The family is going to be comprised of 4 adults (me and the nanny), 2 kids and 3 pets. I believe that we will be trailering one or two horses and a motor home as well. This way we can take side trips from the ranch and venture out to see the beautiful country or even head up to Canada! Last year they headed east to Mt Rushmore for a "History" lesson. I am open to any adventure that comes our way:-) The only inconvenience so far is the carting of books and teacher manuals back and forth. Maybe I will do my prepwork at the house before heading home. Yes, this sounds like a plan!!

ttfn Michelle AKA Luvey

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