As you all know, this past year I have been in Grad school completing my Multiple Subjects Teaching Credential and working on my Masters in Education degree. I have been spending the summer applying in Orange County as well as in New York City and the Pacific Northwest. A month ago I decided to apply for a position for an elementary teacher available to homeschool and travel. I have always had a passion to travel, and this felt like a custom made job for me! Why not? After all, I would get the interviewing experience and be able to dream about such an opportunity:-) Right?
After meeting the family and doing projects with the kids, I felt very positive about the experience and was hoping for the best. I was informed that I was in the 'final two' and proceded to have a final interview. Well, yesterday I received the phone call that I got the position and would be afforded the opportunity to travel (all expenses paid) to Idaho in the fall, Costa Rica in Nov/Dec, Hawaii in the winter, and Bali in the spring. I will be homeschooling a 3rd grad girl and her 5th grade brother.
This is such an exciting time for me, and I can't wait to begin. We will be using a wonderful K12 curriculum that is engaging and "out of the box" for just such a traveling learning experience.
I hope to keep my friends and family informed about my next years worth of adventure. This blog will be a great tool for me to do that, so please check it regularly.
Wooo Hooo, I'm about to embark on the adventure of a lifetime!!
Michelle AKA Luvey
Whaaa hoooo! Way to go girl!
i am so excited for you michelle! that sounds like the most exciting job ever! i am curious about the k-12 teaching approach you mentioned. i hope you write about it in the future!
congrats again!
mom you are so cute stop being so cute!! i love you yAY
That sounds like an amazing job! The kids I am sure are really going to love having you for their personal teacher!!!
I'll be watching your blog!!! :)
Aloha, congrats Michelle. I will see you very soon my friend. It will be soooo much fun!
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